Underwater Egg Hunt

many colorful easter eggs laying next to each other

Bring the whole family for some festive spring fun! NSA HR – Portsmouth MWR Aquatics is hosting an underwater egg hunt on Saturday, April 12 at the Riverview Aquatics Center. The doors will open at 9 AM and there will be different start times for each age group. Children ages six and younger will begin at 10:45 AM. Children ages seven to ten years old will begin at 11:30 AM. Children ages 11 to 16 will begin at 12:15 PM. Open swim will be available from 12:45 to 2 PM. 

There will be games, music and photos with a bunny. Children in life jackets or non-swimmers will require a parent or guardian to accompany them in the water. We will be offering swim test and life jacket sizing from 9 to 10:30 AM. 


For more information, please call 757-953-5946.